Bhakshaalu/ Bobbatlu/ Olige - Ugadi Special Sweet Recipe

Split Skinless Chanadal – 1/2 Cup (wash, drain soak in fresh water for 1 hr atleast)
Fine Sooji – little less than 1/2 Cup
All Purpose Flour/ Maida – 2 Tbsp
Salt – 1/4 tsp
Water – less than 1/2 cup approx to make sticky soft dough
Oil – 1/4 Cup
Jaggery (crushed) – 1/2 cup
Cardamom powder – from 2 pods.

Start by preparing the dough by mixing fine sooji, maida, salt and water to make a sticky smooth and soft dough. Coat with 2 tsp of oil and rest covered for 30 mins to an hour.
Meanwhile pressure cook the dal, drain the water from dal and pressure cook with 1/2 cup of fresh water for one whistle. Immediately run the cooker under cold water to remove all the pressure quickly. Drain the excess water and use in making any soups or dals.
Add cooked dal, jaggery, cardamom powder to food processor and blend to a paste without water. Set it covered. Make 6 equal balls and keep them ready.
Take a small portion of dough ( half the size of the jaggery dumpling made). Spread the dough into 1 1/2 inch round circle on a parchment papper. Stuff it with the jaggery dumpling and seal properly from all the sides. Flatten it a bit by greasing it with some oil and then roll into thin chapathis.
Flip it gently on to the non stick pan and fry till golden brown on both sides. Use some oil while frying. Serve immediately with ghee, milk, sweetened mango pulp. Continue till no dough and the stuffing are left.

Bhakshaalu/ Bobbatlu/ Olige - Ugadi Special Sweet Recipe